Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shock to read this....

Last few days, the chinese newspaper was reporting a 17 yr old missing student was found beside a drain of an empty shop lot. Later on.. she was found murdered by her ex-bf. Who still live in her house with her parents. How come he can did such a cruel things to her n her parents who treat him like their own son who provided him food n shelter?
Why he still can act like nothing happen before the body was found?
Why he can move the body n dump it again? Why he still dare to sleep in the night? There's so many Why, why, Why in my mind~~
Will u do this to ur loved one after she left u? I was wondering... he's just in 20's. He's so cruel.. to her... n ruin her parents dream towards their daughter.
May the girl R.I.P and the ex-bf get the punishment ASAP.

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